Class Descriptions

We offer a wide array of services to meet the demands of the clientele. Some people want to get a pistol permit to just secure the firearms in the death of a loved one. Others wish to carry in public for self defense. Some want to challenge themselves in a whole new way with hunting with the use of a pistol. Whatever your interest in firearms is, from brand new to a seasoned shooter, different classes for different people are offered. 

Pistol Permit

Carry Concealed Class | $250

One on One Training

Pistol Fundamentals | $125

Basic Marksman | $125

How to: Tear down/clean/lube | $125

How to Draw | $125

Shoot More Accurate | $125

Shoot While Moving | $125

Group Training

Women Only (Basic) | $75

*This class is ~2 hours in length. If you already own a pistol you can bring that with or you can try out some of the most popular firearms from my personal collection. This is a very basic class, it allows someone with very little knowledge or confidence in their firearm ability to learn the proper way to handle a firearm. Proper training allows a new shooter to build confidence and preform PERFECT safe handling with their firearm.

Your Rights | $100

*This class is ~5 hours in length. If you have ever had a legal question or one of those "What if..." thoughts this is a perfect class for you to attend. With topics covering from mindset, use of force, legal & what to do when police arrive. Local guest speakers include a licensed attorney and law enforcement officer. They can answer the legal questions. This is an informational class so bring your pen & notepad!

Continuation of Training | $75

*This class is ~2 hours in length. This class is not limited to just males or females but open to anyone. It is offered monthly. Each month the specific topic of the class will change while still implimenting the perfect fundamentals for a safe range experience yet geared towards more realisitic situations. Some topic examples are: drawing a firearm, conducting a magazine reload, walking while shooting & shooting moving targets. 

Pistol Level 1 | $200

This 6 hour course lays the foundation for all future pistol training. Safety, range etiquette, loading, equipment, fundamentals of shooting, draw-stroke, clearing stoppages, common mistakes, and proper mindset are the main subjects tackled in this essential course. Though this training is designed for beginners, the subject matter and technique allows all students to build realistic skills.

Pistol Level 2 | $250

This 1 day course begins with a review of safety protocols and an audit of each individual’s shooting fundamentals and basic skill sets (draw stroke, reloads, etc). During this course, students will learn use of cover/concealment, concealed carry considerations, fighter mindset, advantages of red dots and introduction to shooting while moving. Prior SAPA training is required to be eligible to attend this course, must have completed SAPA Pistol Level 1 prior)

Handgun Basics | $150

This 4 hour course introduces new shooters to semi-automatic handguns. This class will focus on firearms safety, firearms storage, new laws, types of handguns, handgun nomenclature and operation, ammunition, how to disassemble and reassemble your firearm for proper cleaning and considerations for handgun selection / purchase and holster selection. There will be a mixture of classroom/lecture and also outdoor range experience. This course will briefly introduce students to marksmanship fundamentals (level 1 course).

AVERT (Active Violence Emergency Response Training) | $150

*This class is ~6 hours in length. This is a hybrid class mixing what to do during an Active Shooter situation as well as how to preform basic medical techniques to save lives until the trained professionals show up. At this class you will recieve a Stop the Bleed Medical Kit. 

Click here to RESERVE a seat in a Pistol Permit or Group Training Class!