Expert Pistol 

Challenge Standards

Expert Pistol Challenge Standards

1) 3&2 Drill

At 3 yrds draw and engage 3 shots to the body 2 shots to the head

3.25 sec is Novice

2.50 sec is Intermediate

2.20 sec is Advanced

2.00 sec is Expert

2) 1R1

At 3 yrds high compressed position. Begin retreating, shoot 1 round, emergency reload, shoot 1 round (all center mass)

5.00 sec is Novice

3.50 sec is Intermediate

3.00 sec is Advanced 

2.50 sec is Expert

3) Draw Stroke

From concealment at 7 yds, draw and fire 1 round. Run this drill two times and add both times together.

4.00 sec is Novice

3.00 sec is Intermediate

2.30 sec is Advanced

2.00 sec is Expert

4) Bill Drill

At 7 yrds draw and engage center mass with 6 shots 

4.00 sec is Novice 

3.00 sec is Intermediate

2.20 sec is Advanced 

2.00 sec is Expert

5) Stoppage Drill with a Twist

At 15 yrds draw & engage 2 to the body 1 to the head, then sprint to 5 yrds line and engage 1 to the head 2 to the body

12.00 sec is Novice

9.00 sec is Intermediate

7.00 sec is Advanced

6.50 sec is Expert

Novice & Intermediate: Center mass shots in the white area of body and head shots in the white area of the head.

Advanced: Center mass shots within the 10" circle & within the white area of the head. 

Expert: Center mass shots within the 8" circle and within the 4.5" circle of the head.

*NOTE: line breakers only count if the carbon ring cuts the line. Ammunition must be factory ammunition, simulating the actual grain and recoil one would expect with self defense ammunition.

How this works: Target must be a SAPA target or IALEFI-Q target. Anyone who attends a training class with Small Arms Pistol Academy LLC will have the opportunity to run the Challenge Standards after the class. There is a $10 fee to attempt the Challenge, that money will be pooled every calander year and those who paid will be entered into a gun drawing. 100% of the money will go towards a gun giveaway at the end of the year. With each attempt you will be entered into the drawing! If you can meet all 5 with an Intermediate time your name will be added to the list online for bragging rights, it will only show the Top 10 most recent people. If you can meet all 5 drills within Adanced or Expert level you will earn an honorary SAPA challenge coin & your name will be added on the Advanced Pistol or Expert Pistol Challenge Completion list

NOTE: Novice times essentially are industry standard times. Difficult for a brand new shooter to achieve but should be the goal for every gun owner to reach. Intermediate times are  what those who shoot more should try to achieve. Advanced times are of high quality shooters, typically those who have attended additional training classes will strive to reach this level. Expert times are typically the type of shooting times expected when attending training classes with some world class organizations. Expert level is for the top 2% of firearm owners.


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You could be the first name on this list!


You could be the first name on this list!